Shell Code Primer

Challenge :
Complete the Shellcode Primer in Jack's office.
According to the last challenge, what is the secret to KringleCon success? "All of our speakers and organizers, providing the gift of ____, free to the community."
Talk to Chimney Scissorsticks in the NetWars area for hints.
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Jack’s Office
Elf/Troll :
drawing Ruby Cyster
drawing Hints from Ruby Cyster :
I'm looking at this system, and it has me a little bit worried.
If I didn't know better, I'd say someone here is learning how to hack North Pole systems.
Who's got that kind of nerve!
Anyway, I hear some elf on the other roof knows a bit about this type of thing.
The website is
This objective has 11 steps. 1-10 are easy to follow tutorials which will be used for step 11. Step 11 has no hints and solving that would answer this objective.
Therefore, in the interest of documentation for other objectives in the report we are doing to provide details on step 11 only.

Shell Code for step 11. Reading a file (/var/northpolesecrets.txt)

call doit
db '/var/northpolesecrets.txt',0

mov rax, 2
pop rdi
mov rsi, 0
mov rdx, 0

; TODO: Call sys_read on the file handle and read it into rsp
;push rdi ; Temporarily store the filename pointer
;push rax ; Temporarily store the handle
;pop rdi ; Move the file handle into rdi
;pop rsi ; 
mov rdi, rax ; sys_open returns the fd into rax, so move it to rdi before set rax to sys_read.
mov rax, 0 ; Syscall 0 = sys_read
mov rdx, 1000 ; rdx is the count
mov rsi,rsp; from the hint

; TODO: Call sys_write to write the contents from rsp to stdout (1)
mov rax, 1 ; Syscall 1 = sys_write
mov rdi, 1 ; File handle to write to = stdout = 1  ; (rsi is already the buffer)
mov rdx, 1000; rdx is the count again 
mov rsi, rsp; from the hint
syscall ; Perform the sys_write syscall, writing the data to stdout

; sys_exit
mov rax, 3Ch ; for sys_exit
mov rdi, 0 ; exit code

The deugger

The full content of the file (/var/northpolesecrets.txt) is below.
Secret to KringleCon success: all of our speakers and organizers, providing the gift of cyber security knowledge, free to the community

The missing part in the question is "cyber security knowledge".
We submit it as the answer to this objective and Its now Its completed.
